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Physics Beyond Life


"Mystery" the word in English dominates all science, facts, intelligence.since time people are trying to reveal the hidden facts of nature but always nature stands millions of step far from their reach. But this nature and its behavior are all science and it acts according to certain relationship between each other. In this paper I would like put forth my own hypothesis about what is life, what happens after death and how the earth would have originated.


The existence of life before birth and after death of a human is still not explained. Several philosophers, physicists and scientists have put forth their own hypothesis to explain what happens after death. Being an Indian my culture is embedded with full of philosophies with hidden facts behind it. But there was no proof to explain the concept behind those philosophies. People and saints still believe in existence of life after death. As a contribution to this ocean of science I would like to correlate life after death with concepts of physics.

Athma (soul)

When any one says that there is still existence of life after death in the form of asthma people ask for proof. I would like to explain this existence of asthma (soul) based on law of conservation of energy in physics.

Law of conservation of energy

  • Energy can be neither created nor destroyed.
  • Energy can be transformed from one form to another

My questions

  • When we are alive we live, we work because of energy. What happens to that energy when we die?

Correlation with real life

If world believes in law of conservation of energy it has to believe my statement also. According to me the energy which makes a human to live is not created fresh when he is born and it does not perish when he dies. It is the one which is transformed to his body when he born and it is transformed to another state when he dies. After death till it reaches a suitable mass to fit in it remains in state of asthma or soul. Thus I believe that above concept of physics itself is a proof for something beyond this life.

My hypothesis

According to me there is no destruction for energy. All destruction is only for mass and any mass has its own capacity of holding energy.

Energy-mass relationship

We all know that mass can be converted into energy according to Einstein. But the reverse is something miraculous. World wide this is principle of matter transplantation. I believe if this is done we can reveal the hidden facts of nature.

Origin of mass

I believe that something(mass) came from nothing(energy).i thought of something which has energy but no mass as per science believe in conversion of energy back to mass.(pair production and annihilation).I thought of light which has dual behavior is the sole responsible for all things in universe. Now I would put forth my statement more obviously.”Something (mass) came from nothing (light energy).because light has no mass but photons according to science now.

Two step derivation of Einstein’s equation

Assumption: Light has mass


let a light particle start from “a” and travel. At any point b in its path after “t” seconds at distance “d” the energy in the particle would be work done in moving the particle from “a” to “b”.

Work done= force *displacement


Accn=change in velocity/time=(c-0)/t=c/t


Work done= m*c/t*c*t



Thus Einstein’s concept hold good it is assumed that light has mass.

Numerical value of mass

Wavelength of light ranges between .5mm and .0004m.

Equating h*v=m*c*c

Substituting for planks constant and velocity of light we get the mass of light to be something around 10^-34 kg.

Experimental set up

  • Highly energized (min wavelength) light beam.
  • Highly non penetratable material.
  • Sensitometer in the order of above mass.

Lorenz- equation

According to Lorenz


When v=c m= infinity which means all mass has been converted to energy.

My definition of energy

It is nothing but infinite invisible mass.

My concept of meditation

Initially when we meditate we forget mass. Our thoughts are trying to reach wavelength of zero. But when it reaches that of light we disappear as light. That is why great Mahan’s vanish after attaining the state of Samadhi only as light.

Why not classification of species according to wavelength range:

The number has its own speciality

  • seven glands
  • seven jenmas
  • seven days
  • Seven wavelength.
  • Seven states of consciousness.

My question is that why can’t we relate each jenma with each range of wavelength of light.

I believe that every energy has to cross through seven categories of wavelength call jenmas after that it is difficult to reduce and if we could reduce we can become super power.

Tit bits

Eye and its importance:

Of all organs of human beings the only thing that can sense light is that of eye only. That is why in mesmerism eye plays an important role. The eye contact helps in exchange of thoughts (wavelength).it is also said face (eye) is the index of mind. Even in NLP it is proved that eye ball movement is very much useful in assessing a person. When your physical body is tired your eye function stops (sleeping) that when your mind is loaded with stresses. When you sleep this extra stresses (energy) are released and a balance isCreated. Physical mass can only hold limited stress (energy).

NOTE:All are my own analysis and no copying is allowed and It has no proof .

